KxConfiguration > Guides > Event Types Set-Up/ Edit

Event Types

KxConfiguration > Events > Event Types

A list of your current Event Types will appear Add or Edit these by clicking the appropriate button at the top of the page.

When you add a new event you will see the following page and the sections will need to be filled out. 

  • Description: Name of Event Type
  • Inactive: If you have Event Types that you no longer use, check this box and that event type will no longer appear on the front end of your system, but the historical data will remain.
  • Business Type: This is a more advanced setting, select the appropriate business type, default this to Standard.
  • Events Screen Style: Make sure this is set to Events 2.0.
  • External Code: Leave blank unless you need this for an interface.
  • Deposit Receipt: Set to Default
  • Color: Select a color for this event. This is visible to categorize events on the Conference Room Plan.
  • Payment Type: Select how these events will pay. If unsure set to (No Default)

When your Event Type is set as the Event 2.0 Screen Style you get to choose which screens are available when viewing and editing the event. To enable these tabs, check the corresponding box. Only check the KxCalendar box if you are using the Calendar web product and want this event type to appear.